quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

Tendência gatinho!

Coisa mais linda essas pinturas de gatinhos vestidos com roupa de gente, do artista Heather Mattoon! Melhor ainda são as descrições do perfil de cada gato! É engraçado observar como a maneira de se vestir pode dizer muito do que a pessoa é ou aparenta ser... hahaha

Margaret makes her own clothes and is currently working on christmas booties for her family and friends.

Henry is not yet a teenager but likes to hang around the older crowd to feel a little bit cooler. He is wearing his favorite pajama onesie.

Savannah is a city girl, feminine and fierce! She takes kick-boxing classes and works as a wine buying consultant.

Elise is 3 years old. She likes to eat clovers from the back yard. She says " I love you clover!" and then gobbles them up, she says it tastes like lemon.

Vincent plays Football, or Soccer for Americans, he is European. He takes acting classes and loves his hoodie.

Alex is a bit of an awkward teenager. He wears this christmas sweater all year long and is desperately trying to start a band.

Rose is a hopeless romantic. She would love to someday play the cello and wishes the raccoons would stop eating the strawberries from her garden.

Brewster does not like walking to school in the snow.

E por falar em gatinhos... Recentemente, a revista Glamour espanhola publicou um editorial super fofo, ao mesmo tempo, fetichista e de ares vintage, cujo destaque vai para os chapeuzinhos, toucas, bonés e tiaras com orelha de gatinho! Já pode querer um pra pular o Carnaval 2012? :)

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